Audio material

For your application we require recordings that will enable the teachers to select the course participants. Please take the following into account:

  • Please only send pieces from the Renaissance and/or early Baroque period (no Händel, Bach, Vivaldi, etc.). These do not need to have any connection to the Hanseatic cities and do not have to be identical to those that you will prepare for the masterclass.
  • The audio samples do not have to be professionally produced, the only important thing is that the teachers get the best possible impression of your current level of musical performance.
  • You can also send in solo repertoire without continuo accompaniment if there is no other possibility.
  • Please do not exceed a duration of 15 minutes in total.
  • It would be easiest for us if you sent us links to recordings on YouTube or other sharing platforms. You can enter these in the online application form or send them to us by e-mail before the application deadline.
  • Alternatively, you can also send audio and/or video files via a data transfer services such as,, Dropbox or similar to Please note that each individual file must not be larger than 199 MB. Possible file formats: .mp3 and .mp4.
    To avoid confusion, please name the files as follows:
    your surname, first name_composer-short work title
    e.g: Schmidt, Anna_Vierdanck-Lobe den Herren.mp3
  • The received audio and video files will be used exclusively for the selection of the participants and will be deleted afterwards.


For lute instruments additionally:

  • at least one file featuring you as continuo player
  • at least one file featuring you as soloist


For organ continuo additionally:

  • at least one file featuring you as continuo player
  • at least one file featuring you as soloist
  • at least one of the recorded works should be performed on the organ (full-sized instruments and chest organs are equally welcome)
  • at least one of the recorded works should be a composition from Northern Europe written not later than 1650



  • do send videos
  • send recent recordings
  • in ensemble pieces make sure that your personal input is audible
  • do not send pieces that you have not mastered (yet)
  • try to showcase the span of your stylistic abilities
Einzelunterricht in der Musikhochschule Lübeck, Meisterkurse 2021, © Foppe Schut
Individual lesson at the University of Music in Lübeck, Masterclasses 2021, © Foppe Schut
Ensembleprobe in der Katharinenkirche Lübeck, Meisterkurse 2021, © Foppe Schut
Ensemble rehearsal in St. Catherine's Church Lübeck, Masterclasses 2021, © Foppe Schut
Einzelunterricht in der Musikhochschule Lübeck, Meisterkurse 2021, © Foppe Schut
Individual lesson at the University of Music in Lübeck, Masterclasses 2021, © Foppe Schut